Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Scripture Study Support Group

The older you get, the more decisions you have to make; Where do I want to go to school? Do I even want to go to school? What should I study? Should I go on a mission? Should I get married? Should I move? They're frustrating questions. At least for me, I sit around waiting for some grand and amazing answer from heaven. Usually nothing ever happens.

I've learned that the Lord trusts His children to make their own decisions. We have our agency... we need to use it! Nothing will ever happen... we will never progress... if we don't get up and do something - and the Lord will stop us if that 'something' isn't right.

A little while ago, I sat in sacrament meeting at Church with my family. The deacons were passing around the bread and water as I sat reading from my scriptures. After a few minutes, I noticed I wasn't paying any attention to what I was reading, because I was so focused on trying to figure out what direction I wanted to take in my life - so I decided to pull up a conference talk, because I knew I could focus easier reading that instead. I randomly clicked on October 2011 and began reading the first talk my eyes gravitated towards: "Personal Revelation and Testimony" by Barbara Thompson.

Underneath the title was a small quote from the talk: "If we diligently keep the commandments and ask in faith, answers will come in the Lord's own way and in His time."

By now I was intrigued. I began reading the talk. Once I was done, I had the thought that I needed to be better at reading the Book of Mormon and strive to gain a stronger testimony of scripture study so that I could try and receive personal revelation through my study of the scriptures.

That night, I sat at my small kitchen table, opened my scriptures and began to read. A few months earlier, I had come across a pin on Pinterest that said "How to Never Miss a Day of Scripture Reading". Excitedly, I clicked on it, but then quickly exited out because I knew that the idea would never work for me.

The writer of the blog post instructed us to find people that would be part of a "support group". Each day, after studying our scriptures, each member would report to the group and share something they liked or learned.

I sort of laughed and thought: "All of my friends are basically perfect readers. If I ask them to do this with me, they'll just know how much of a struggle it is for me." So I didn't ask anybody.

The months passed and my scripture study was still pretty spotty. Some nights it would be really effective and great! and then other nights... it... wasn't.... effective.... or great.....

So, again, as I sat at my small kitchen table reading my scriptures, the thought popped into my head that I should pull up that same blog post and invite a few friends to join me. I decided I would text one friend. Her response came as a surprise to me. "Like a support group?? Sure!"

Sweet! That wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.... so I proceeded to invite more friends and family members. Each person I asked, joined my little group. Their responses ranged from "I'd love to!" to "Why didn't you ask me sooner?! This is exactly what I need."

It's now been just over a week and I can already tell the difference it's made for me. Each day I get excited to read in my scriptures and find what I'm going to share with my friends and family. I love getting the text messages from them and learning! Already I've learned so much! I've been able to think differently about the scriptures than I ever have before. Slowly but surely, I'm finding a deep love for them... and I love it!

I'm so thankful I got over my ridiculous fear that everyone was more perfect than Cambri and didn't struggle with reading their scriptures... because I know that my life has been certainly blessed because of the words, knowledge and sweet testimonies of my dear friends and family.

I know the scriptures are true. I know they are the word of God - And I'm so thankful I have been blessed to be part of a family where I was taught that scripture study is important. Words can't express how truly grateful I am for all the time, hard work and persecution that has gone forth in producing the scriptures, particularly the Book of Mormon. I know that by reading our scriptures, we will have an increased understanding of this Gospel and Christ's Atoning sacrifice. We will be blessed with the strength we need in order to move forward in our lives in confidence. We will be truly happy,

Here are some of our texts....

" I decided to start reading in the book 'Small and Simple Things' by Marjorie Pay Hinckley. I've read parts of it before but I want to read it all the way through because she has some great insights. Anyways, one that I liked tonight was this one: 'Just be one more voice to say that God lives and that this is His work. That will bring satisfaction.' I may not have the strongest testimony - it definitely needs a lot of work... also it reminded me of what we talked about tonight [at institute] about joining with others to declare truth. if we add our voice to others it will grow louder. It's like a crowd of people - the more people you get together the louder it gets."

"I read something in 2 Nephi 5 that I really liked. '... they shall be a scourge unto thy seed, to stir them up in remembrance of me... ' (verse 25). This is only part of it, but it reminded me that we should not wait for trials and challenges to come in our lives to turn to the Lord. He is there always, and we should always rely on Him during both the good and happy times as well as the bad and difficult times. He is the source of our greatest joy and the provider of peace, strength, and comfort to aid us in enduring the storms that come during this mortal life."

"Today I read in 3 Nephi 28 and it talks about the three disciples that are on the earth till judgement day. I liked verses 38-40... I like these verses because it shows that God really is more powerful that Satan and that if we are faithful, good things will happen for us in our lives."

"2 Nephi 1:5 'But, notwithstanding our afflictions, we have obtained a land of promise, a land which is choice above all other lands; a land which the Lord God hath covenanted with me....' I liked this verse because it says notwithstanding our affliction. We can't just be promised a 'land of promise' without being prepared for it. we need to work for it and be changed and perfected in our afflictions before we can find out promised and covenanted lands. There is faith AND work involved. Faith is a principle of ACTION and POWER, if we have faith through our trials (meaning working at it... I know, no one likes to work :P) we will find a choice and promised land that the Lord has prepared for us, we just need to prepare ourselves first. :)"

"So, today was 2 Nephi 2:2 and 24, so it's Lehi talked to sweet little Jacob and he says this, 'thou knowest the greatness of God, and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain.' And then in 24 it says 'all things do happen for a reason because Heavenly Father knows what we need INFINITELY more than we do. We know basically nothing compared to Him! Which is deeply humbling in and of itself, but I love the word consecrate because I looked it up in the dictionary and it says 'to make sacred or to dedicate to some service.' Our afflictions are to help make our lives more in line with our Heavenly Father's plan for us, for our gain... and what will we gain if we endure to the end?? EVERYTHING that heavenly Father has and wants for us. So next time you're going through something rough, just remember that one day, you'[ll have and be the person Heavenly Father knew you could be, you just might need a little nudging ;)."

"2 Nephi 7:7-8 'For the Lord God will help me... the Lord is near.' These verses are simple but they brought me a lot of peace and light during this time. I came to realize that once my Savior becomes my best friend and I constantly rely on Him, the void I feel... will be so much more filled. The Lord has called me to be a missionary, and this is what I need to focus on right now. But likened to anyone, the Savior is and always should be our best friend. He is the most true friend we will ever have. He is always there, He will always be there, and He will never leave. I know I say this all the time, but I truly do know He is always near. And He is here to help and heal me. I can find refuge in Him. Especially in hard and lonely moments, He is there to pick me up when I fall and help me put the pieces back together and heal my heart."

"I didn't read a whole lot yesterday in the scriptures but I was planning a lesson for that evening about the Word of Wisdom and how exercising is something that we need to make part of our daily lives. I found out that we do need to make sure we're not doing drugs or smoking or drinking what we're not supposed to (the basics) but also that we should be taking care of our body more by making sure it stays healthy. So yesterday we went for a walk together (to get ice cream but still) and I went to the gym and after going to the gym I had a lot more energy to do the things I needed to."

"Luke 15:20... This is in the story of the Prodigal son. How often do we not go back to our Father in Heaven because of shame or other fears??? We should be less reluctant and more like the Prodigal son who went back and who's father 'had compassion...and kissed him' this is the reaction our Father in Heaven will also have... and yet for me I am afraid to go back because what if I am the one person He doesn't do that for... I know that is not ht case but it's an incredibly strong tactic used by Satan to keep us from running to our Father who is waiting with open arms, filled with compassion just waiting for us and loving us until we come back."

"Mosiah 13:3-4... To me this means that our loving Heavenly Father won't take us when we are doing good in the world. He won't let bad things happen to us when we have a greater purpose to fulfill here on this earth."

"I read 2 Nephi 2 and in verse 7 it states 'Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto ALL those who have a 'broken heart and a contrite spirit'; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered." It's amazing to think that all it takes is a broken heart and a contrite spirit to receive such incredible blessings. It seems so simple (but it's definitely not). The part that I found interesting is where it says 'unto none else can the ends of the law be answered' so the only way to receive the blessings of the Atonement is with those two things. A broken heart and a contrite spirit."

"So I was reading in 2 Nephi 3 and it's Lehi's son Joseph talking about a 'seer' who will come from their loins who will be like Moses and his name shall be like unto his own (Joseph) and of course he is talking about Joseph Smith who would one day restore the gospel to the earth. And that got me thinking, how weird would it have been for Joseph Smith to translate that and realize that it was about himself... or did he even realize anything as he was translating?? Kind of a crazy think to think about."

"My scriptural insight tonight goes with D&C 84:46. It talks about how the Spirit will guide you the more that you listen to it."

"Mine was Moronihah. He was attacked by the lamanites but showed compassion and released all of the prisoners. contrast that will Coriantumr who sought after power... once he conquered one city, it wasn't enough so he had to have more. seeking after power and greed leads to destruction. Whereas a true leader has compassion and is kind."

"Tonight I read from 2 Nephi 9. A phrase from verse 10 jumped out at me. 'O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way...' I have seen it time and time again in my own life, but he Lord always provides a way for us. Whether it's a trial He's asked us to endure, a needed change in our lives, or an unexpected decision about work or schooling based on a prompting... He ALWAYS provides a way. sometimes it seems impossible to see, but it's always there. This doesn't always mean the path is clearly marked or laid out. Sometimes the Lord leaves the decisions up to us because He trust us. A way is always prepared for you and whatever He asks of you, even if the road ahead seems impossible or improbable. We are never left alone during these times because He is with us every step of the way. How grateful I am to know that i have a loving Heavenly father who wants the best for me and who I can talk to at anytime - He is only a prayer away."

"... [I] was reading in 1 Nephi 21:16... Christ will ALWAYS remember us, I mean how could you ever forget someone that you suffered and died for, yeah probably not likely. So if we feel like the Lord has forgotten you... maybe it's because WE have our walls up..."

"I was reading in Helaman chapter 5 tonight, and I was reading the first couple of verses that lead up to verse 12 and I like how Helaman tells his sons to keep the commandments of God and go out and tell the people of God's words, that they should do what is good and not evil, they should do things not in boast but things that lay up themselves a treasure in heaven which is eternal and not fadeth away and they will have the precious gift of eternal life. And then verse 12 how he talks about keeping a strong foundation that will stand tall against Satan."

"I was reading in Mosiah 2:41 and I love how it's just straight to the point of it you keep God's commandments and hold our faithful till the end you will be blessed in a state of never ending happiness and eternal life!"

"Tonight I read 3 Nephi 10 and one of the verses I really liked was verse 12... and it goes on to say how they were not buried, drowned, crushed, etc. I'm really glad to have this gospel in my life and the chance to learn that it is true. I know that our Heavenly father won't deceive us and that He will always be there for us, allowing us to use His Atonement so that we can return to live with Him again."

"Man I just love the scriptures!! I have personally experienced that when you come to the scriptures with a question in mind, the Lord answers your question through His words. It really is beautiful. A verse that stuck out to me in my reading tonight was in 2 Nephi 9:29.... As I thought about this some more I realized no matter how much we feel we are learning, we still need to always stay and remain humble. We depend on the Lord God for everything and He will continue to bless us with knowledge as long as we continue to follow Him, be obedient, and be humble. It is also important to remember this life is a life of learning and that we will never reach a point where we know all that we need to know. I'm so grateful for a Father in heaven who is patient with me and helps me learn and relearn and learn and relearn every single day."

"....Read about Gadianton robbers. They are bad people :). [I] liked this verse, 'Nevertheless, they did fast and pray oft, and did wax strong in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ.' Reminds me that praying is one of the most important ways to come unto Christ."

"...I read my scriptures and didn't find anything in particular that stuck out to me but I really liked what I read in 'Amazed by Grace' by Sheri Dew. It's talking about how both men and women who are endowed have access to Priesthood power and it says 'though women are not ordained to offices in the priesthood, in the temple they are endowed with Priesthood power and with knowledge of how to use that power'. I think it is so cool that even though it is the mans responsibility to carry the Priesthood, we as women can have the same exact access to that same power."

"Tonight I read about the word of wisdom. And I really like the purpose that section 89 gives for the word of wisdom. The reason for the word of wisdom is to protect us from the intents of others including Satan. Elder Packer explains this 'if someone 'under the influence' (of harmful substance) can hardly listen to plain talk, how can they respond to spiritual promptings that touch their most delicate feelings? As valuable as the Word of Wisdom is as a law of health, it may be much more valuable to you spiritually than it is physically.' I have though this so much lately. And I agree with him 100%...."

"Tonight I read in 2 Nephi 11. I came across verse 7..... This is so true. I mean, we don't get to pick when the second coming happens or when we get answers or how we get answers. It all will come in His time and in His way. Don't ever doubt for a second though that He can't hear you or that He isn't listening to you. he loves you and He cares about you and He won't ever let you down."

"Tonight I read in 2 Nephi 13:8... The scriptures often talk about what God takes away from them when the people do something wrong and what He gives to them when they are righteous and it is the same for us to some extend. There are consequences for us just like there was for them. In this day and age we think we can do anything and we'll be fine and get away with it. But He sees all and will be there at judgement day. he knows all and we can't get away with things without having the consequence following."

"Mosiah 4:27... I have a quote in my scriptures from Elder Neal A. Maxwell from the 1994 June ensign. He says: 'Happily, the Lord really does increase the capacity of the diligent... however He knows our bearing capacity, both as to coping and comprehending, and He will not give us more than we can manage at the moment, though to us it may seem otherwise.' I truly believe that - the Lord will not give us anything we don't have the strength to handle. He will help us learn and grow so that we're prepared to handle the things He'll inevitably send our way, but He will not let us suffer through something we wouldn't be able to get through with His help, too. This brings me so much comfort - knowing that I can do anything that comes my way... because He will not let me fail if I stick by His side."

"Okay, I'm reading in PMG (Preach My Gospel), chapter six about developing Christ-like attributes and I just really loved this quote 'Doubt and fear are opposed to faith. your faith will increase through diligent study , prayer, dedicated service and obedience to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and the commandments.' I like it because I have heard that fear is the opposite of faith, but never doubt. And not only that, it says 'opposed'. When I think of opposed I think of someone trying to break through a wall, it's not gonna happen. If we have doubts they are only going to go away if we have faith and act. Act to study, pray, serve and obey, and then our faith becomes strong and it brings power along with it."

"...My reading tonight was Alma 32. In the first several verses it just talks about being humbled over and over and about how it can be good to be humbled by your 'afflictions' but how much better ist is to be humbled by your choice. in the repetitiveness I decided to see what was associated with 'being humble' and the things that stuck out to me were 'teachable' 'meek' and 'poor in spirit' and I know that I am pretty much none of those. that was good for me to recognize..."

"Mormon 1:13-14... If we knowingly rebel against God all of our ties will be cut off. We have to know that we can repent and use the atonement that He so lovingly gave to us. The atonement is a powerful and a wonderful gift. It has many uses in our lives. We can't just live life like there's no tomorrow we have to remember that we have eternity and all of it to suffer or to be happy. God makes all the difference."

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