Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My Mission Call

Back in June I decided I was going to serve a mission. I didn't want to feel any outside pressure and I wanted the decision to be completely up to me, so I only told a few close friends and family members. Within a few weeks I had filled out my papers and submitted them. When the time came to open my call I found myself facing the difficult decision of how to proceed.

I opened it the night I got it, by myself, on September 3rd. Indiana, Indianapolis. English speaking. December 14th, 2016. 

I've decided to postpone the call until June 2017 so that I make a more firm decision. I currently plan on attending school and completing more of my education, working, and pursuing other interests in the meantime.  

Numerous people have told me that a mission would be a life changing experience that I would never forget, one that would prepare me for the future better than anything else. While I do not doubt this, I want to make sure that I am going because I want to go for myself or because I feel that I need to. 

After praying for weeks and even months, I haven't really received any firm answer. I've struggled with the decision of whether or not to serve since the moment I began filling out the papers. As of now, I feel that this is a decision that I personally will get to make and that whatever I choose to do, the Lord will be happy with it.

I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to serve the people in Indiana - whether I choose to pursue that or not. I have faith that the Lord will lead and guide me, and all of us, to and through the paths that we should pursue. I know that the Lord will not allow us to make decisions we shouldn't, if we are in tune with the Spirit and are centering Him in our lives. I have a testimony of this Church and love it with my whole heart. I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and Savior, Jesus Christ, who have sacrificed so much for each and every single one of us. We are never alone in our journey's back home.

Thank you for your support.


  1. I had a very similar experience! I was caught in between going and not after the age change and so many people made comments to me making me feel that I had to go! I prayed and went over my blessing for hours trying to find an answer and what I came up with is sometimes you don't really get an answer and that is God sayin he is happy with either choice you make! He has given you agency to make your own choices and he wants you to do that! I just wanted you to know that whatever you choose god is proud of you and so are we!! :)

    1. Thanks for your comments, Megan!! It helps to know that I'm not the only one struggling with the decision. Thanks for being such a great example to me!

  2. I agree with Megan, sometimes it's up to us. Heavenly Father will always answer our prayers but sometimes we need to remember to ask the right questions and sometimes He really is ok with both choices we have before us. He knows you will grow in so many ways of you decide to go on this mission, and that there will be people who you can touch and make a difference and people who will touch and make a difference in your life there. But He also knows the work will go on even without you. And He will put other trials, experiences or people in your path to help you learn and grow, and that whatever you need to learn in this life, along whatever path you choose, He will be there to help you learn them.
    I am so grateful you have been a part of my life and my children's lives. I hope you find your strong answer and feel the peace that comes with it. Love you bunches!

  3. Cambri Hill The Calling is between you and Heavenly Father. I so agree and thought that your post shows great faith and I can promise you that when you Pray, seek, Listen your Heart and the Spirit will be one and no doubt will be there... If I can share my experience with you. When I was 21 I went through the same feelings. I had always said "I want to go on a Mission. When I go on a Mission." since I could talk. Yet here I was 21 and able to go finally and well I did not feel the same. I finished school. 4yrs and then after... the Mission Question came back up. I was really having a time with it. I prayed and fasted and well nothing seemed to be changing. I sat after institute with my teacher one evening and asked him about this. I was a bit concern. He said, "and what did He reply?" I explained I did not know... then he looked at me and said "did you listen?" I knew then I had been praying but not really listening with all that I could. Of course I prayed and fasted a gain and really listened. You will know. You are right in that. I knew and felt the spirit and the desire in my heart was all the same. I served a mission in Chile and loved every sec of it am so eternally grateful for that blessing. May Heavenly Father Bless you and when you do go or what ever He shall lead you to. He will send even more blessings your way in all that you will do say and meet.

    1. Thanks for your words, honeyofagirl. I truly appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with me. I know that if I have faith and trust in the Lord, everything will work out how it's supposed to.
