Meet Cambri

Hi there. I'm Cambri! And this is my blog. Here's a little bit about me and my writing, just in case you're wondering...

I've been living in happy valley, Utah since I was eleven years old and absolutely LOVE it. I was born a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and baptized when I was eight. So yes, I'm a Mormon. And I kinda really love it. [Click here to find out more about my faith and what I believe in]

I currently work at a Health Insurance company and have the opportunity to teach 35 amazing teenagers in a high school marching band. I've been playing the flute for nearly ten years and have a deep love for all things music and marching band related. I'm currently studying Secondary Education at Utah Valley University with hopes to one day be a high school English teacher.

In addition to my "passions", I enjoy being outside and occasionally binging on Netflix. I relish photography and have a blog dedicated to all the happy smiles I get to capture with the camera [click here to visit my photography site]. Peanut m&ms and Cheez Its are my kryptonite and I always make room for ice cream and pizza. I love musicals and accapella but can't sing to save my life. My biggest dreams are to become a youth speaker and publish a book.

My obsession with writing began when I was ten years old. What started out as a blog filled with my mundane and boring day-to-day tasks has turned into a big passion of mine, filled with the thoughts and feelings that accompany my crazy, wonderful life. Within the walls of this blog are stories to make you laugh and experiences to make you think. Each post is filled with my testimony and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I believe that a simple smile can change around your day and that laughter is contagious. Life is what we choose to make of it - which means that it can be great

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